Tally ERP:
- Tally ERP is not exactly and ERP but a collection of modules. These modules are provided to you and it generates no extra functions from these modules.
- Data backup is difficult with Tally ERP. And at times it is impossible to get back the data.
- Tally ERP is not user friendly and is difficult to use. It has its own way of functioning hence it requires you to move accordingly.
- Customization is difficult and if customization is done then it requires you to pay extra for customizing it.
- There is a risk of privacy breeching as it has no restriction menu and everyone can access the software. Thus you cannot keep extremely delicate data in it.
- Only limited number of users can use it thus it cannot be used by too many users.
- It is not mobile friendly thus it demands accessing it from the system, therefore you have to be at work to remain updated with the business or wait for the reports to reach you in case you are away from your business.
Online GST software:
- It is a one stop solution as it has several modules plus generates necessary functions required for the business automatically.
- The data is stored in the cloud, therefore you can restore all the data in case of system crash or any other problem.
- Online GST software is an user friendly software that makes itself flexible for the user making it easy to implement.
- Online GST software easily customizes with the business process.
- It provides bank level security and comes with access restriction menu so you can restrict certain areas within the software from others for more privacy.
- It can be used by unlimited number of users so it is suitable for any size of business.
- It is easily accessible from anywhere. It is mobile friendly thus you can work from anywhere and get your reports daily along with real time update.
Reach Accountant
Reach is an online GST software. It is a smart software that is easily accessible from your cellular phone and from anywhere. Reach is feature rich and is easily customizable. It has bank level security and provides 100 percent security hence no unauthorized access can take place.
It is a flexible software making it user friendly hence can be easily implemented.
- Dashboard
- Repair
- Billing
- Purchase and expenses
- Mobile app
- Multi branch
- Multi company
- Invoicing
- Accounting
- Addons
- Bulk SMS and email
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