If you are running a wholesale and distribution company, A distribution software might help you to automate your supply chain, manage orders better and grow your business faster. This post is a case study of a customer who used Reach Distribution software to automate his business
”œi2i Home Decors” is an home decor company based in Chennai who are into distribution of cloth drying hangers and customized blinds to corporate and homes. Mr.Manivannan is the founder of the company and has been handling this business since its inception. As they scaled up he faced lot of challenges in managing things.
How Distribution Software works:
Challenges faced by them
The main challenge faced by i2i Home Decors was they were not able to track their customers properly. They used to participate in Trade Events and Exhibitions and get new leads. But they did not have a proper system to manage these leads. These were the two main challenges faced by them. Apart from that their business was not organized properly. That is when they came to know about Reach Accountant Online Accounting Software. After they saw the product demo they did evaluated the software with the help of another software company. The software company asked them to go ahead about purchasing Reach Accountant Online Accounting software which they eventually did.
How Reach Online Accounting Software helped them to come out of their Challenges
Mr.Manivannan feels that his organization has become more organized after implementing Reach Online Accounting Software. Now he is able to manage his leads and customers more effectively. The customer was also happy that the product is a readymade product for their business. They also felt the charges were reasonable compared to other software in the market.
Finally, Mr.Manivannan signed off by saying ”œwe are happy about Reach Accountant because they listen to their customers”. To know more go to Reach Trading & Distribution Software
For enquiries about the software you can call us at 044-49272736