Getting a GST software for your business take a lot of research so you find the right software for your business. You cannot simple consider buying a software just because it is popular and because everyone else is using it. Make sure that it is suitable for your business, improves your business process and is built to meet your requirements.
As for GST software your business needs a latest software that has all the features to meet the demand of the latest business requirements with a lot of improvement and upgrades.
Every software has its drawbacks and if you have been unaware of it, it is time that you learn about it for the betterment of your business.
Tally ERP is one of the most popular software and is one of the oldest a well. It has been upgraded many times from the time it was created. It is one of the most widely used software of the era but it has its demerits which hinders you from achieving certain levels of business management that you can actually receive from other software which provides more functions, features and smarter ways.
- Haven”™t had any useful upgrades
If you have been loyal to Tally ERP you will realize that you have not received any useful or a drastic upgrade. It had been a minimum upgrade since the Tally 4.5. In case you own the old Tally then upgrading it is impossible hence you have to completely change your software system and get the latest version for upgrades which remains one of the biggest disadvantage of Tally.
- Not suitable for Multi-branch
Multi branch business cannot fully utilize Tally as it gets expensive because you have to spend extra on the servers. The sync your receive is not real time thus you require a manual sync which is icing on your troubles.
- Not user friendly
For better performance and faster implementation it is highly necessary to get a software that is user friendly. Tally is not one of those software that bends along with you hence you have to follow its course and learn using it which is not always easy for everyone.
- Not flexible
Tally is not a user friendly software and on top of that it is not flexible either. The default setting button is not provided to you hence in case you require to change any setting after the configuration you have to restart and all your ledgers gets deleted making you start uncomfortably from the scratch. It is adamant and does not allow you to set a new inventory level one you have reordered the items.
- Single window software
You cannot open same transaction window in other systems while it is already on another system which makes it time consuming and you can open only one ledger at a time.
- Poor integration
Tally does not come with modules that are extra features nor does it generates any. Hence it does not provide payable, receivables, etc like many other accounting software does. You can only sue the features that it provides making it a rigid software.
- Lack of central support
In case of issues and problems the support is less or not provided at all. Thus, users suffer from lack of support and it makes it difficult for the users to find anyone to guide them through hence, apart from the training there”™s no other help hence this gives rise to risks of issues involved that takes time to be solved due to no central support.
Reach accountant
Reach accountant is one of the best GST software that easily customizes with your business and is user friendly. It is cloud based which makes it easily accessible and has a good support thus any issues and bug related problems are taken care of instantly.
It has several useful addons and generates many modules that makes it an intelligent software which can meet all the requirements of a business management.
Reach is a feature rich software that fulfills all the latest requirements of the new era business management.
- Dashboard
- Repair
- Billing
- Purchase and expenses
- Mobile app
- Multi branch
- Multi company
- Invoicing
- Accounting
- Addons
- Bulk SMS and email
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